Mindfulness as a skill

Wil jij ook bewuster leven? En zou je beter willen leren omgaan met onvermijdelijke hindernissen waar je mee te maken krijgt? Mindfulness is hiervoor de juiste vaardigheid. Het is onze missie om iedereen die hiervoor open staat kennis te laten maken met mindfulness. Dat kan zowel in een groep als individueel. Op dit moment zijn alle trainingen online.

Do you also want to live a more conscious life? And would you like to learn how to cope better with the inevitable obstacles you face? Mindfulness is the right skill for this. It is our mission to introduce mindfulness to everyone who is open to it. This can be done in a group or individually. All training courses are currently online.

How can mindfulness be of meaning to you?
Do you recognize the feeling that everything around you moves too fast? You are lived by your agenda and you can't find the pause button? We all recognize the 'autopilot' where our attention has wandered and is not in the moment.
For whom?
Mindfulness aims to fully experience life as it is. Including the obstacles. Mindfulness can be applied on a broad spectrum. Mayim sees mindfulness as a skill that you can learn and continue to develop. Mindfulness can therefore mean something to many people. For example, when you experience a lot of stress, or other psychological complaints. Or when you want to go through life more consciously and with more connection.
Focused Attention
Train your attention and concentration for awareness
In the moment
Practicing being in the here and now
Open, without judgment
Learn to look at yourself and others with a kind attitude
"Mindfulness means paying attention in a certain way: consciously, in the present moment, and without judgment"
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Scientifically proven
Effects of mindfulness
There is a lot of scientific research on mindfulness that shows that mindfulness is an effective method for increasing well-being. Among other things by reducing stress, improving concentration and attention, reducing depression and improving health through a strengthened immune system.